Wednesday, March 14, 2012

You Are Important to God

I had a wonderful day with my two children.  We spent an hour or so enjoying the weather at a park in town.  The kids loved it.  There were only three other children there when we first arrived.  After a few minutes, Dasia introduced herself to the other children.  They listened to her for a few minutes and then went to the equipment on the other side of the park.  She and Dylan followed a few minutes later and again tried to be friendly to the kids and join in playing with them.  Again, the other children quickly went to the other side of the park.  I told Dasia I was proud of her for being friendly to the other kids.  I told her I noticed that they kept leaving.  She said, "And I followed them."  I felt like she didn't catch on that they were trying to avoid her, which I am glad.  It saddens me to realize how adults and children treat each other.  But, it just makes me more thankful that God loves each of us and desires to spend time with us.  He would never walk to the other side of the park to avoid you!

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Thanks so much for sharing! I pray that you are loving your walk with God!