Sunday, April 22, 2012

Five Disciplines - Week 3: Spirit

First of all, I want to say that I am very thankful that my cousin over at Southern Illinois Money Savers, told me about Women Living Well.  I am loving the 5 Weeks, 5 Disciplines, 5 Challenges series.  I have been a stay at home mom for a little over a year.  Before that, I was a working mom.  I never felt the need to try to manage my time, set up a cleaning schedule, or anything of the sort.  I just did what I could.  I didn't feel like there was any extra time and many things had to be left out.  However, as a stay at home mom, I now realize the necessity of managing my time.  This series would have probably helped me as a working mom too.  However, I think I would have had a more difficult time implementing it.  On to the Week 3 challenge.  Courtney, at Women Living Well, has challenged us to read God's Word for 1 minute in the mornings before we read anything else at all.  I'm very excited about this one because I began a reading plan to read through the Bible in a year about a month ago.  However, because I'm reading through the Bible this year on my laptop using One Year Bible OnLine, that may not work easily for this plan.  I may just pick up my Bible and read something from the New Testament in addition to my daily Bible reading.  Otherwise, I will probably not be able to read it first thing in the morning.  This is my challenge for this week.

My goal for week 1 was to exercise 3 times per week for 20 minutes at a time.  My goal for week 2 was to establish a simple plan to clean the house each week.  So far, these plans are working well.  After last week, I felt very excited that cleaning the house had went so well when I split it up by doing specific tasks on specific days. 

If you are interested in improving your life by setting goals for yourself in the areas of mind, body and spirit then please join with us!  I would love to hear what goals you are striving towards.  Please remember, that it is very important to ask God to help you.  He really cares about everything in your life!

1 comment:

  1. I'm loving this study too!! Thanks for sharing about your goals for the week and how they are working out well.


Thanks so much for sharing! I pray that you are loving your walk with God!